Title: Scoring the Keeper’s Sister Series: Mr. Match #1 Author: Delancey Stewart Genre: Sexy Sport Romantic Comedy Release Date: February 14, 2019
Signing up for a matchmaking service was not my idea. But when Andrew the hand model dumped me, my brother suggested I try Mr. Match. And I figured it couldn’t hurt–as it was, I’d never get away from meathead moron soccer players (since my brother plays keeper for the South Bay Sharks and I manage PR for the team.)
But Mr. Match is a moron too because he matched me with a guy I see at work every day. A guy who has a different girl on his arm at every turn. And a soccer player. Fernando Fuerte, the “Fuerte Fire,” is one guy I can assure you is NOT my match.
Getting girls is not a problem. Getting girls who care about something besides my status as the South Bay Sharks star striker, my salary, and my social status? Yeah. That’s the problem. So when my buddy Max tells me he’s actually Mr. Match–the secret proprietor of San Diego’s hottest matchmaking app, I let him convince me to try it.
And Erica Johnson is not actually a bad match–only she doesn’t seem to agree. And then there’s the small matter of her being in the middle of trying to save the team (and me) when the owner’s ex brings to light some, ahem, unsavory accusations about me… and then there’s her enormous and disapproving twin brother…and there’s something about cheese, too.
But if I have my way? Erica will definitely be my match.
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Delancey Stewart is an award-winning author who writes fiction with humor, heart and heat!
Get the first book in her new sports rom-com series -- MR. MATCH -- absolutely free by joining her newsletter here: https://www.subscribepage.com/delanceystewart
Find her at www.delanceystewart.com and www.authordlstewart.comFacebook: www.facebook/DelanceyWrites.com and www.facebook/authorDLStewart
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